Why be just a health coach when you can become a licensed, board-certified holistic doctor?
Did you know holistic doctors can now outearn physicians? Our graduates target, reverse, and eliminate root causes with a focus on prevention. They never treat, diagnose, or prescribe. Get the dignity, credibility, and respect you need, want, and deserve to practice confidently, safely, and effectively as a licensed, board-certified, holistic doctor. Our graduates light the world with hope and healing. You, too, can become one of them. Healing people and the planet through clinical practice is our #1 priority. Enter your name and email below to receive more information on our holistic doctorates and practice minors.
Heal yourself, heal your family, and heal others.
What's your holistic provider archetype?
Have questions? We have answers.
Board Certification & Licensure not included.* We connect you with all the holistic board certifiers and licensing agencies inside the Rockwell business emporium, complimentary to our entire student body. Other schools don't provide these kinds of resources, or worse, charge you to access them, but not us!
Professional Accreditations & Affiliations
Holistic Doctorates & Clinical Practice Minors
We offer five holistic doctorate modalities. Choose from natural, botanical, nutritional, spiritual, and functional medicine.
Each holistic doctorate comes with one practice minor.
You can purchase additional practice minors anytime.
Certified Holistic Health Professional, CHHP®
Cancer Prevention & Risk Reduction Expert, CPRRE®
Certified Clinical Homeopath, CCH®
Iodine Literacy Practice Consultant, ILPC®
Plant, Flower, Tree, & Mineral Essences as Energetic Tipping Points®
Iridology & Preventative Eye Health® (Certified Iridologist)
Elemental & pH Medicine with Dr. Sircus®
Muscle Testing & Kinesiology: The Body Never Lies, MTKE®
Human Parasitology, Testing, & Clinical Approaches, HPE®
Certified Health & Wellness Coach, CHWC®
Remote Healing & Electro-Diagnostics Specialist, RHEDS®
Vitamin, Supplement, & Mineral Expert, VSME®
Approaches to Living with & Preventing Lyme Disease & Co-Infections®
Predictive Autoimmunity & Symptom Reversal Through Early Testing, PAE (Predictive Autoimmunity Expert)®
Anti-Aging & Youth Preservation with Cell Salts®
Thyroid Health & Endocrine-System Prevention®
Only at Rockwell.
Did you know holistic providers qualify for practice insurance, state licensure, and board certification?
I feel like I had 4 years of real medical school in a month and a half. Excellent module!
Laura Miranda Norris, PhD, TND
(find her dissertation in our blog)
Our mission is to help create the most soundly educated, in demand, and sought-after holistic health practitioners in the world. Ready to become one?
Why be just a health coach when you can become a licensed, board-certified holistic doctor?
Did you know holistic doctors can now outearn physicians? Our graduates target, reverse, and eliminate root causes with a focus on prevention. They never treat, diagnose, or prescribe. Get the dignity, credibility, and respect you need, want, and deserve to practice confidently, safely, and effectively as a licensed, board-certified, holistic doctor. Our graduates light the world with hope and healing. You, too, can become one of them. Healing people and the planet through clinical practice is our #1 priority. Enter your name and email below to receive more information on our holistic doctorates and practice minors.
Heal yourself, heal your family, and heal others.
What's your holistic provider archetype?
Have questions? We have answers.
Board Certification & Licensure not included.* We connect you with all the holistic board certifiers and licensing agencies inside the Rockwell business emporium, complimentary to our entire student body. Other schools don't provide these kinds of resources, or worse, charge you for them, but not us!
Rockwell. The most provider-friendly educator on the market today.
Professional Accreditations & Affiliations
Holistic Doctorates & Clinical Practice Minors
We offer five holistic doctorate modalities. Choose from natural, botanical, nutritional, spiritual, and functional medicine.
Each holistic doctorate comes with one practice minor. You can purchase additional minors anytime.
Certified Holistic Health Professional, CHHP®